“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde.
The most powerful tool we can give our children is the ability to think for themselves.
Instead of teaching our kids what to think, maybe we should be teaching them how to think.
As parents, how do we encourage our kids to ask questions and make their own decisions? We need to start simple and speak their language. Which is why I am creating an entire Holistic Thinking Kids book series. Starting with the Think For Myself mini-series.
My biggest goal in raising my kids is to encourage them to make their own decisions. I hope that they never “shut off” their minds and just follow what others around them are doing. I truly believe that our world needs more thinkers and less followers.
We can’t always be there to protect our kids from peer pressure, but we can arm them with the power to think for themselves.
No matter what your background is, or how you envision your children to be as adults, they will be influenced heavily by their friends, the media and many other influences as they grow up. This might be something that worries you, but this is probably not something that you can control. You can, however, encourage them to think for themselves and make their own choices.
Children learn to make decisions by making decisions. This is why I feel that it’s imperative to not only allow, but encourage your kids to come up with their own ideas! They also learn by making mistakes, so let them mess up as much as they need to in order to find their way.
Embracing your child’s unique qualities while they are little will make it easier for them to be confident in who they are as they grow up.
Perhaps if we don’t lose ourselves when we’re young, we won’t have to spend so much time trying to find ourselves as adults! I, for one, was always a people pleaser. I wanted to fit in, and never wanted to disappoint anyone. I wish I knew back then that I could still fit in even if I had different likes and dislikes, and that people actually respect you more in the long run when you stand up for yourself and who you truly are.
If you’re a parent that knows how powerful it is to ask questions and think for youself, then the Think For Myself series will be a beneficial resource for you!
Get your paperback on Amazon today and get the ebook FOR FREE! And please consider taking the time to do a review on Amazon. As an independent author, the reviews make a big difference to my overall success!
Here is a link to check out the other books in the Holistic Thinking KIDS series:
You can also take advantage of the bilingual edition of Think For Myself –
Happy reading and remember to think big!